Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Homage to the Hokies

Its been some time since I've taken time to post. I enjoy talking about things...bouncing things around, pitching them, putting them on a screen and off my mind for perhaps anyone (hopefully) to read and enjoy. Last week was a somber week for the entire US. The VA Tech massacre was ....I don't even have words.... I can only think and shake my head in saddened disbelief. We were all touched by that day in some way.

What's on my mind today?? Copycat crimes after a major event. The whole copycat "bomb threat/ terrorist threats" on High Schools that have peppered the US since the VT massacre. As if it isn't hard enough to watch on television and imagine how horrific that was for everyone involved, we have Idiots, self-centered, spoiled- ass brats that play on the increase tensions and fears from the recent attack in VA in THEIR VERY OWN SCHOOLS. When I was in school, if you had a problem, you talked to a friend, wrote a note, talked to your parents or prayed. Now, you make a threat, act goofy and try to get attention...

If I only had a day with schools ...I'd call students in for mandatory assembly. I'd lay it down for them all. I'd stand and look at each face and simply ask," If you even think for a second...any ONE of you wants to harm another or yourself, let me make myself clear....If you so much as even make a problem or even walk down the halls with a distasteful smirk on your face...You're ass is GONE to Juvie camp. So today my friends, you're invited to JUST LEAVE! Here's your chance... If you want to cause havoc, you can, but you can't do it here. There's the door, Hit the road! GET THE HELL OUT! If you want to stay, and enrich your life, learn and promote yourself to become someone some day, I invite you to stay...Will you stay or will you go?"

Its sad that schools have become a literal battle ground. Our Country went wrong a long time ago (I think I'm old enough to say since I was there when they did it) Schools should have the right to paddle some asses!!!!...And maybe, just maybe problems would be solved early on and on a much lower level that when they go so far out of your control you're standing around scratching your head and asking..."How did this happen?"..and " How could we have prevented it?" SMACK THEIR ASSES!!! Discipline doesn't have to be abuse...It's called RESPECT! And it starts at home.

On a much lighter note...ahhh it's springtime. I wish I was at home right now, digging in the dirt in my yard...making things pretty; potting plants, pulling weeds, sipping on a cold beer with XM blaring.... That would be a good day's work. I have Gerber Daisies to plant, along with some variegated ground cover to put in the large bed. I grew some wild flowers, Morning Glories and Sunflowers from seeds and their going in this week. It's soothing days like this past Saturday playing in he yard, that I love...Those days are few and very far between. It didn't hurt that it was 80 degrees and not a cloud around. So nice...The only thing that would have been better was being off work another week to do it all over again.

Well that's all the venting I have time for. Do something nice for someone today! Random acts of kindness; cut your neighbors yard, buy your friend a book or flowers....let someone know their important in your life. You never know when it might turn their day, week or even their life around, if only for a moment....That's all i think...I'll leave you as I usually do.

Today's Focus: God rest the souls of the victims and bless the families of the VA Tech Massacre and the family of Cho Sung Hui. You are not forgotten.

Today's Phrase: "Open a can of whoop ass". Typically a very Southern phrase. You don't hear it much anymore...but it holds great meaning. My Mom used to say, " Jennifer Anne, I'm gonna whoop your little ass". And she did!

My Daily Dose;

Don't stand over people and read their email. That's rude and could be hazardous to your health. I need a fly swat to turn around and smack the shit out of my boss when he comes in and 'acts' as if he isn't reading my email. "SMACK....oh i'm sorry...I didn't see you standing there reading my fu*!%#$# email".....

Do: Quickly close the screen or switch to a program with a page of documents that will bore even the most ADD man you've ever worked with to tears.

Take Care of your kids...No one else will.

Nurse Jenny

1 comment:

Drak said...

um, what's a hokie?

I tried to look it up online, along with "hommage" and it just sends me to some website selling spell-checker software. Hmmm...

Ah discipline...the old fashion way! "Go outside and pick a switch from the bush and bring it back to me."
That was the ultimate in spanking until the razor-strap was discovered.