Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Gone With Our Old Ways!

It's diet time. The hubs and I are on the wagon...the diet wagon that is. Ahhhhh we've hit late 30's and we both realize that weight isn't mysteriously falling off of us. It makes logical sense that with age and time, you just get FATTER. I have managed to maintain and sometimes lose a pound here and there...but I can't comfortably get into those really good jeans without feeling the 'dun lop'. We all know what dun lop is...The hubs keeps a sense of humor about it as he does most everything. Last night he said he had "Dick- do". His stomach sticks out further than his 'dick do". Okay, I had to throw that in for a laugh. Back to the plan.

We laid down some ground rules; NO McDonald's and No Reese cup bars (His favorites) No Apple Turn Overs or Taco Bell for me. No more Mexican lunches with salsa, chips and queso. We can't finish the food our kids don't eat for them (those calories do count! )and no eating late at night. We've increased fiber and water; those things should help. Neither of us wants to kill ourselves dieting, we will commit to making 'better choices' though and try to sneak in time on the tread mill that is quietly collecting dust upstairs in our house. What a waist of nearly a grand.

My goal is to lose 20 lbs...His is 30. But we aren't racing or competing, just helping each other along t he way. For the first time, this diet thing was his idea and not mine...I agreed since I do all the cooking. We both know how to diet, we just manage to make bad choices and chose to eat the things we love, which are usually terribly fattening. I love to cook, and since we're in the South, the influence is people like damn Paula Deen! (smiles) She truly is my hero. She is a Goddess in the kitchen. I love her dearly, but I'm putting my love for country fried steak, mashed potatoes with gravy, Bread Pudding made with a dozen Krispy Kreme doughnuts and all her other WoNdeRful recipes on the back burner (no pun) for the moment. I will treasure them, along with my Celebrations Cookbook and save her sinful but delectable collections for special occasions only. I'll close for now and hope to report back with some progress.

Focus; About two weeks ago, I had my first Thickburger from Hardee's. In a word-FABULOUS! It was after my son's ballgame on a Thursday night, Brad was working late, we drove through for a bite. After I got home, I unwrapped the burger and said to myself, "Oh I won't eat all of this" pushing down the guilt...and five minutes later as sauce is dripping down the side of my face, it was GONE. Every ounce....GONE! There was no need for fries, I had no room and didn't care. That was by far the messiest, best damn burger I've ever put in my mouth. Oh I'm sure there will be a weak moment when I fold and find myself in the drive through salivating like ravenous animal. I'll order another Thickburger and devour it in the car, clean up the mess, and no body gets hurt.

Don't: Buy into fad diets. I've researched some fad diets...www.skinnyondiets.com. It's a great resource to the fad diets and helps you steer clear of diets that yield little results, and only cheat you out of money. That's money better spent on a Thickburger.

Do: Set goals for yourself, achievable ones. There really is no replacement for old fashioned moderation and exercise. It's slower, but sure to help. Reward yourself when the job's well done.

Take care of your body, no one else will. (and your lover will thank you!)

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