Tuesday, November 28, 2006

My Very Own Pooper

It's been 2 LONG years...And I'm back...I'm new Nurse Jenny now...Still the same old girl but boy has my life changed! I had a baby. A boy...So now that I've spawned and helped populate the earth it's time for me once again! Besides I love to write about a little of nothing...It's entertaining and well, just good for the soul.

I reflected on old posts today (Influenced by my good buddy Jammin' Jimmy C) and thought hmmm...It's time to update the old blogger. I left you with thoughts of Fall Daze and the Straight Pipe Story. So here you go...

Well- just this morning I was complaining to my hubby, Dr. Draper (reference Straight Pipe post) about having to share the Master Bath with everyone. ... It smells of BOYS! Everyone uses it as the "pooper"! I need my privacy- my very own pooper! I have an inner need to be ALONE for my bath time!! And be able to put on mascara without the stench of 20 minutes ago poop aroma...And echoes of, "Damn baby, those Jalepenos we ate last night are burning my tale pipe- WHEW!!"...For the LOVE of GOD can someone bulldoze the back my house and make room for Nurse Jenny her own shitter? Complete with automated "I'm in the shower right now, please step away from the door"...Message that sounds with the slightest tappy, tap- tap on the door. AHHH! ...I can dream can't I?

Ok, it's been wonderful to CHAT TODAY!!! I hope you all are great and had a wonderful Turkey Day. I, along with my kids and hubby have the Jamunjee Flu...OK not really but it's rough flu-like, mucus filled head, hacking and feeling like dying sort of gunk and it nearly ruined Thanksgiving. But none the less I cooked all the trimmings... Still had much to be Thankful for.
I leave you with the usual.

Focus: Handwashing; Did you know that 8 out of 10 people don't wash their hands after leaving the restroom. Can I say that's just nasty. Then the next thing you know, you're popping down peanuts at a bar from the Petri dish of nuts there on the bar with all your friends who don't' wash their hands either....(barf bag please) WASH YOUR DAMN HANDS!!!!!!! A LOT!!!!! Don't get the Jamunjee Flu. (yeah don't go Google that, it really isn't a Flu)

Don't: Rub Vicks on your chest when you're sick, then rub your eyes...You haven't lived until your eyeballs are numb.

Do: See your doctor if you're sick. With the winter months ahead, you may find yourself on the sofa wanting your Momma. Sadly you can get sick from germs you got simply by turning a doorknob or pushing that filthy cart at the grocery. (see Focus) You may need medical attention for a cold or flu. He or She can give you the good stuff they don't sell down on the corner at Wallgreen's. HC Tussin is the way to go...It knocks a out a tough cough out in no time and you'll never sleep so good! Feel better when you're sick, you deserve it.

Take care of yourself, no one else will.


Anonymous said...

Good GOD Jenny!!!!!!!!!!!
I've been sitting here for 2 freaking years waiting on your next blog. What the hell's up with that? You finally get bored and decide to share again. You're really starting to worry me with all this pooper facination though. You're going to have to stop all the back door nonsense and start talking about the front door. It is the one most of us use regularly, you know? We only use the back door when the front one is broke. So I want to see a blog that has a better fragrance, if you know what I mean!

Drak said...

I agree with Smooch. A little too much information for me. If you keep this up you'll have to rename your blog to "Nurse Jenny's Daily Bowel Movement".
I do have one question though. Why does your house only have one bathroom? Ok, maybe two. Why should the men be inconvenienced so you can sit in a tub full of bubbles in a candle lit bathroom while you sip wine? When a man's gotta go, a man's gotta go!