Saturday, October 16, 2004

Fall Daze...

Today's Saturday...It's a beautiful Fall day in the South...ahhh Saturday. My favorite day to frolic, get busy doing errands, house chores, shopping..It's MY DAY. My hubby's playing golf and I have the day to myself. I wish we had Saturdays twice a week. Don't you agree that Americans should have four day work weeks? I'd work four 10 hour days to have a three day weekend. I think there are parts of the world that do this? Not sure...

Halloween is close. I love this time of the year, the weather is changing, the leaves are beginning to change as well. Those crisp Autumn days with big blue skies and temps dipping, just does something to my soul. I feel most alive in the fall and springtime.

Halloween is a spooky time and there's something cool about getting the living poop scared out of you. I love to turn on the typical spook-fest flicks on AMC or Turner South. As always Jamie Lee Curtis in Halloween plays 48 times during October, but somehow I never get tired of it. "Run girl....Run....And don't go into that closet!"....Doesn't she fall like a hundred times trying to get away from Michael?...We know the fate of Jamie Lee, but it never seems to get dull. It's my favorite of all of the spooky movies...What are yours? I'd like to watch something different this time around.

Well, I don't have too much today. I feel rested, ready to tackle the day, so I'll get to it.

Don't: Hide in the closet when there's someone chasing you with a butcher knife. They're going to find you and the chances of you getting out unscathed are slim.

Do: Pick up that loaded 45 from safekeeping, point, aim and scream... "Any of you fucking pricks move, and I'll execute every motherfucking last one of you!" (I love that quote)

Focus: Who the hell is Ralph Nader and where did he come from. Why won't he just give up?? I'm not politically knowledgeable, but I keep hearing this man's name and mentioned as a candidate for races...I don't get it?

Phrase: "It's on like... Donkey Kong!"

That's all, Take care of your guns...No one else will.

NuRsE jEnNy


Frutcak said...

Right thurr chingy is a little too excited about all of that. I don't know how comfortable I am with it. That seems to be a running theme with all of your posts. I feel like I need a shower and to brush my tongue. Am I entirely to sensitive? I'll work on it.

Drak said...
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Drak said...

Wow! I guess I can cancel my subscription to Penthouse Letters. I don't need them any more! I'm going to have to watch Mary Poppins and The Wizard of Oz four times to get that mental picture out of my head. Thanks for that Right Thurr, you've saved me some money and opened up a whole new avenue for my overactive imagination to travel. I'm going to have to visit my therapist to try and sort out why I suddenly equate Friday the 13th, dismembered co-eds and Halloween with my fantasies of the nurse with the handcuffs, the 6 foot long peacock feather and a jar of honey mustard. *drool*