Tuesday, October 12, 2004

I am feeling especially silly today...

Hi, I'm nurse Jenny, not by trade... at least anymore, but that name suits me because I am a nurse, but I don't wish to partake in that occupation anymore. Nurses (the females) are really hard to work with...witches actually. I am not a witch, just another adverage everyday girl that works in an office or we'll say 'the cop shop'. My name is acutally Jenny, but what does it matter "you can call me Roy or you can call me"....whatever...

My "Daily Dose" may consist of health advice ranging from hang-over help to PMS to getting your spouse to stop calling you a hundred times a day. The best tampons to buy, what girls hate, why guys are jerks... Take or leave my advice, I am not a professional, so you're taking my advice in a fun sort of way. In other words don't try this at home. Don't be STOOPID as my son likes to say...

It's after Five O'clock and I've just finished off a bag of pork skins courtesy of my friend Jammin' Jimmy C..Thanks Jimmy and you can unload on me anytime. See JC Ramblings Blog...

Focus today:Don't you agree that religious art shouldn't be posted in an office building?
That should get a response...(Don't be STOOPID)

Today's phrase: "OH MY ACHING JOHNNY"...my Grandad always says that...I still don't know what he meant...Maybe it's a Southern thing.

My Daily Dose:
Don't shoot Maker's Mark and eat scrambled eggs. Icky, Icky, messy experience.

Do Drink Red Wine, it's yummy and it freaks people out when your teeth turn purple. It puts me in my...happy place. Try Liberty School Cabernet..

I think that is it...i'll post again later.

Take care of yourself, no one else will.

Nurse Jenny

1 comment:

Drak said...

My buddy!

Just stopped by to get my daily dose, actually this would be my second dose of the day. Is that too much? What does the surgeon general say about too many doses of Nurse Jenny? I'll probably go blind and grow hair on my palms. Well, I mean go more blind, uh, and have to shave my palms more often...but anyway, that's probably way too much information to unload on your first day.

Just a tidbit of info for the rest of you about Nurse Jenny, she was voted "The Nurse You'd Most Like To Get A Spongebath From" by the inmates of the local jail. I'd have to agree with them.